In Reply to @rosbergmartin @rosbergmartin La reserva costó, hubo que hacerla el mes antes apenas se abrieron las reservas y ahi ya estaba complicado, la pasamos bárbaro
In Reply to @MissFillys @MissFillys No hah NADA que un live action le pueda sumar a esa pelicula, mas aun, algunas de las expresiones de los actores y efectos de luz de los paisajes son virtualmente imposibles en live action
In Reply to @perrito666 The car ended being across the street he was nice enough to let me know
Hey @lyft how about you start fixing these location issues that have been creeping into you app for the past months instead if adding hearts to cars?

In Reply to @1Password @1Password She only uses it at the computer and right now we dont have it with us sadly :(
RT @PreetamJinka: Our company site got a refresh.
Seeing some awesome logos now!
RT @ShiftLeftInc: Checkout this article from Horacio Duran, 5 Tips to Secure Your Microsevices Like an International Secret Agent https://t…