Every time I have to use my MBP as a laptop (as opposed to docked in my desk) I actually miss my Thinkpad
RT @strangepartscom: Need a bit of help with some research for the next video. For a while I’ve been quoting a stat I heard: in 2000, 15%…
In Reply to @perrito666 @lazygamereviews @TechConnectify It does help a bit with eye strain and perhaps with “tiredness” too but cannot assure
In Reply to @lazygamereviews @lazygamereviews @TechConnectify I have a blue light filter biilt into my glasses, the only side effect is that when i remove them the world seems a bit off color (too blue i guess?) and when i put them back on i notice it becoming a matrix-green hue for a moment
In Reply to @rosbergmartin @rosbergmartin @IleanaSchinder Yo extraño tener una cava jajaj aunque nunca tuve :p extraño a futuro
In Reply to @rosbergmartin @rosbergmartin @IleanaSchinder Te estoy teniendo una envidia muuuuuy poco sana
In Reply to @howbazaar @howbazaar Dunno man, I find this tweet suspicious 😒 I should question it