A mashup of things



In Reply to @ramyanexus @ramyanexus @code Yeah, I have feedback, your work is awesome, I have not enjoyed an editor this much for years.


RT @ramyanexus: Found code completion, navigation to be slow when using #golang modules in @code? Next update to Go plugin to #vscode will…


In Reply to @zzzoom @_zzzoom_ I prefer other kinds of contraception, come to the backpack side, we aren’t human rattles


Signos de la edad de los grupos y los tiempos que corren, una discusión sobre lenguajes de programación y enseñanza de los mismos, lejos de desencadenar un flame war nos derivó a una charla sobre moda (de ropa, no estadística) y preferencias de modelos de pantalón.


In Reply to @mweagle @mweagle You need a dongle purse (not joking) which makes you wonder exactly ho much apple made this thing thin and light as opposed to just shifted the weight and thickness to a different place of your backpack


RT @JohaFrau: Necesito recomendación de sitios para freelancers que recién están arrancando como yo 🙏. Soy matemática terminando mi doctora…


RT @ivanslo: gente! Estamos reclutando devs en Amazon London, con relocation incluído. DM y te cuento más


In Reply to @ @idanyliuk Mmm i was looking at the dji one that comes with a camera but now you tempted me.