Construir es como martillarse los huevos, si levantas tu tolerancia a la frustracion y te acostumbras al dolor de pelotas constante es facilísimo
Ok i think i want a OnePlus 7 Pro, It ticks most of the marks of what I want in a phone, let’s see if 🍎 makes something that interests me this year (also an option, not changing my phone)
In Reply to @gise_rossi @gise_rossi “This movie is for fans of the franchise, but also for the general public” the foundations of the “we care only in mkt” company
In Reply to @howbazaar @howbazaar @niedbalski They take off and land in short sprints, you could call it agile flying
In Reply to @howbazaar @howbazaar @niedbalski Anything can fly if you get hold of a trebuchet, be creative