Ill be in San Diego all week for @GopherCon if you happen to be early too ring me a tweet or slack and we cab preconf #gopherconorburst
MacOs is incredibly hard to quit :( when i was a kid if you OS sent SIGTERM you better exited bc you knew the plug was being pulled and now my terminal, password manager and even freaking evernote can prevent the shutdown… young disrespectful software
Every time i want to upgrade my phone and see prices i regret not becoming a tech influencer so they give me these things… then i remember i want a faster phone for email and slack and github and terminal and… well I understand why i am not an influencing guy :p
In Reply to @PreetamJinka @PreetamJinka @tuxology Well you applied what you learned on the book about small talk making small talk about smalltalk
In Reply to @PreetamJinka @PreetamJinka I would say nobody is a prophet in their own land, slack does not do distributed teams for instance
RT @unbalancedparen: Estoy buscando programadores/as de buenos aire sin experiencia que quieran aprender y trabajar con erlang/elixir, rust…
Esto es mas o menos como el cura que decia que la culpa era de los niños que eran demasiado seductores o el argumento de la falda muy corta “¿que coima llevaba puesta el privado cuando pasó frente al funcionario y lo corrompió?”