Impresionante, los porteños lograron agregarle complejidad al proceso de subirse a un taxi en un aeropuerto
Estoy haciendo cola adentro de la manga de embarque… este avion definitivamente va a Buenos Aires…
In Reply to @perrito666 @tuxology @mweagle It seems to me you are pitching an ideal situation vs a suspicion and throwing selectively irresponsible employees in the middle, the guy sharing sensitive info over slack when told not to is the same that forgets an open laptop at a cafe.
In Reply to @perrito666 @tuxology @mweagle Unless you have a sizeable budget and enough rrhh dedicated sel hosting usually leads to someone putting stuff in S3 :p open to the public
RT @spryfox: Are you an engineer with at least 5 years of experience making games, a strong desire to make the world a happier place, and n…