A mashup of things



Impresionante, los porteños lograron agregarle complejidad al proceso de subirse a un taxi en un aeropuerto


In Reply to @micieloazul0 @lucazul99 @majomalnis Bagna cauda


Estoy haciendo cola adentro de la manga de embarque… este avion definitivamente va a Buenos Aires…


In Reply to @perrito666 @tuxology @mweagle It seems to me you are pitching an ideal situation vs a suspicion and throwing selectively irresponsible employees in the middle, the guy sharing sensitive info over slack when told not to is the same that forgets an open laptop at a cafe.


In Reply to @perrito666 @tuxology @mweagle Unless you have a sizeable budget and enough rrhh dedicated sel hosting usually leads to someone putting stuff in S3 :p open to the public


In Reply to @tuxology @tuxology @mweagle That is a fallacy you might have less uncertainty but your org might be a 60 people company with one sysadmin that is not all that good. What i mean is you have justifiable distrust but no actual knowledge of the security difference.


RT @spryfox: Are you an engineer with at least 5 years of experience making games, a strong desire to make the world a happier place, and n…


In Reply to @tuxology @tuxology @mweagle You are placing expectations of privacy that were not given as granted, your work’s chat server should never be assumed to be private. Regarding self hosting allow me to say maybe, self hosted does not guarantee more secure.


In Reply to @tuxology @tuxology @mweagle Its no different from almost any other service in the privacy side of things nor can I ascertain they are less secure than others what i can guarantee is that mIrc was pretty much on feature parity 20 years ago so innovative my arse :p


In Reply to @mweagle @mweagle Centenials discover IRC 🤷‍♂️