In Reply to @ @ColborneMichael @HorsemanKovpak @BeijingPalmer @NataliaAntonova I need to know what happened to Irina now, if she was not killed in the nightclub I am sure that skin condition got her eventually. (In all honesty, despite such memorable quotes this hits 0 results in google, what is it?)
In Reply to @micieloazul0 @lucazul99 Quien le pone cota máxima a la tensión de una correa? igual decile que se ahorre un poco mas de material, con 90,5 ya esta sobrado :p
In Reply to @ @FainPablo @majomalnis A nosotros nos llevaban a las fabricas lacteas de la zona (Manfrey, sancor, etc.) era un desfile de gente vomitando. (Para el que nunca estuvo, es olor a mamadera vieja sin limpiar)

In Reply to @diegosarmentero @diegosarmentero @GoogleStadia Well, in hindsight you might have dodged a very slow, laggy and low resolution bullet.