Bueno, los iba a invitar a todos a jugar Mario Kart pero como me dejaron solo sale spiderman a ver si logro terminarlo algún día

In Reply to @prathikgadde @prathikgadde @moleskine @evernote I have an iPad i sort of enjoy taking paper notes and this takes care
There is and it works wonderfully at least when I don’t mix languages
I got a wonderful @moleskine with Pen+ for Christmas and it pairs with my @evernote so far it sits very well with my workflow i wonder if there is OCR
In Reply to @perrito666 @ashleymcnamara And in the middle they should be forced to bike their pc case and 14 inch crt across town :p for a proper networked lan party
In Reply to @ashleymcnamara @ashleymcnamara They should be forced to go through atari 2600, famiclone, sega genesis, ps1 oe n64 and then that marvel in that picture.