In Reply to @joshroppo @joshroppo An attempt at this (big emphasis in attempt)
Les devs del @ansesgob deben pensar que “testing” es un edulcorante natural, porque ni lo probaron.
Hey @evernote love the new app so far, how do you feel about reminders to arbitrary parts of a note? like selecting a sentence and adding a reminder about it for 2 days from now? Or links to arbitrary text parts so I can mix with a reminder app?
In Reply to @franciscophilip @franciscophilip @esacrosa No creo que de como mercado, la comercialización suele venir de la mano de alguna filosofía productiva que en general es dificil de imponer en terceros, yo lo que hago es una app que me quede cómoda, si alguien la quiere usar bienvenido.
The only thing i have to criticize about ios is the apparent lack of APIs to create a proper alarm in the future further than 24 h (like the alarm clock but in 10 days)