A mashup of things



Given my inability to get a proper rfid usb scanner where I live (for a reasonable price) I am now attempting to add I2C support to nfcpy to use the one I have.. don’t be me (also I will most likely fail to do this as I do not know all the intricacies )


In Reply to @as_w @as_w @bradfitz You could train a computer vision enabled device to track his water intake and then a ML model to predict pee time based on that Or just teach the kid to use twitter, there is nothing better to steal you concentration in the middle of something important.


RT @alangosiker: para el viernes tengo que tener definido el funnel de ventas de una empresa, y en la puta vida hice un funnel y no me enga…


RT @FiloSottile: Hmm, the list of people I sponsor on GitHub has very little diversity.

Who are some Open Source developers from underrepr…


In Reply to @NateTheFinch @NateTheFinch @bradfitz Essentialize.

ie: Essentialize Nate Nate is Essential, and as you know :p “the essential is invisible to the eyes”


I propose “git curse” a magical git incantation that causes the author of a given piece of code the same level of complexity found in said code but for entering the restroom when he/she is in a hurry.


No anduvo por que tenia que ir a un lugar con mucha interferencia, termine atando una camara con vision remota al celu a un palito de selfie con una bandita elastica… ingenieria


In Reply to @alangosiker @alangosiker @FainPablo No si lo pedis no funciona la magia, es como cuando contas los deseos de las velitas de la torta.


In Reply to @ @FainPablo Podria ser peor, podria vender NuSkin


In Reply to @ @FainPablo Yo me compro unas pepas para celiacos, hago un 🧉 pongo el 💿 de Verano del 98 y me sumo a algun zoom