Given my inability to get a proper rfid usb scanner where I live (for a reasonable price) I am now attempting to add I2C support to nfcpy to use the one I have.. don’t be me (also I will most likely fail to do this as I do not know all the intricacies )
RT @alangosiker: para el viernes tengo que tener definido el funnel de ventas de una empresa, y en la puta vida hice un funnel y no me enga…
RT @FiloSottile: Hmm, the list of people I sponsor on GitHub has very little diversity.
Who are some Open Source developers from underrepr…
In Reply to @NateTheFinch @NateTheFinch @bradfitz Essentialize.
ie: Essentialize Nate Nate is Essential, and as you know :p “the essential is invisible to the eyes”

I propose “git curse” a magical git incantation that causes the author of a given piece of code the same level of complexity found in said code but for entering the restroom when he/she is in a hurry.
No anduvo por que tenia que ir a un lugar con mucha interferencia, termine atando una camara con vision remota al celu a un palito de selfie con una bandita elastica… ingenieria
In Reply to @alangosiker @alangosiker @FainPablo No si lo pedis no funciona la magia, es como cuando contas los deseos de las velitas de la torta.