A mashup of things



In Reply to @ @webRat I know this question might be really dumb but… wouldn’t it have been better to ckose it, cover the chinney and let it burn when it caught fire? Never had a smoker but similar devices i just have let them choke. (Except this 1 time i put 🔥 of with cold 🍗)


In Reply to @m4rgin4l @m4rgin4l No, es Miami, vive alla


In Reply to @howbazaar @howbazaar @Canonical @stackletio Not sure if it’s you or @stackletio that I should be congratulating here. Best of lucks man, sounds like you are going to be doing great things.


In Reply to @perrito666 @goinggodotnet @davecheney @johnpreese @Web3Coach This said,not being a native English soeaker some times i cheat with the sentences and use Spanish ones :p


In Reply to @goinggodotnet @goinggodotnet @davecheney @johnpreese @Web3Coach if i can fit in a sentence it works, maybe naive but so far did not disappoint. For structs depends what they contain, since you can’t not use pkg name in go, so struct http://user.Info{} “This contains http://user.Info” for funcs “Store(http://user.Info)”


RT @AndrewAskins: We’re hiring again! 😁 This time, we’re looking for a front-end developer with an eye for design

💸 Salary is $71,000-$80,…


In Reply to @LaTanaOriginal @LaTanaOriginal @MajoMallmann @rosbergmartin Deberias preguntarle a alguien con especialidad en química alimentaria pero creeeeeo que luego del proceso la bancteria consume la lactosa, no me queda claro si al punto de que no quede mas, como dijo @MajoMallmann igual con la cda de leche anda.


In Reply to @perrito666 @alangosiker mas alla del chiste, eso es información que ponen para los alérgicos, quiere decir que dadas las condiciones de producción no pueden garantizar que no haya contaminación cruzada de esos productos, es algo muy responsable de su parte a decir verdad.


In Reply to @alangosiker @alangosiker Le quitas la sorpresa si lo redactas distinto :p Igual la alternativa de escribir eso es poner “no limpiamos las maquinas tan seguido como te gustaria” y queda feo.