In Reply to @PreetamJinka @PreetamJinka happy birthday, how dare you age on a weekend and make me resort to this instead of chat to congratulate you :p
RT @alexellisuk: Congrats to @marcosnils and Co. It’s nice to see how play-with-docker has developed over the past three years.
RT @nwolovick: Mirá @DoctArmy, llamado a concurso para sysadmin del Instituto de Matemática del CONICET Córdoba. Con posibilidad de hacer H…
RT @dosnostalgic: I don’t miss anything about gaming, as much as I miss something about *me*. The limitless sense of wonder. Every new game…
RT @playwithgo: Keen to see what’s coming in Go 1.16? In “Retract Module Versions”, @jayconrod, software engineer on the @golang tools team…
You can watch the keynote for @gophercon #GoVirCon with a glass of wine, another perk of remote event. Ill miss the post event hanging around with teams though