A mashup of things



When I was a teen, upgrading ram meant taking your EDO sticks to the shop and they would give you a pair of more capacity and charge you the difference. Since companies now are fond of soldering ram they should just take your laptop and give you back one with more for the diff


This is likely the only purely childhood memory related food purchase i keep coming back to (although childhood one was other flavor and not sugar reduced) there is something in the shape of the jar that brings me back to simpler breakfasts


In Reply to @NateTheFinch @NateTheFinch A snack drawer in you desk :p


RT @ChemistryKit: So today we’re going to do a chemist who has been unjustly forgotten by history.

Her name is Margaret Melhase. Her disc…


RT @gilgamezh: yo que ustedes no me pierdo la oportunidad increíble de trabajar con Fisa.

ahhh y además satélites!!


Was making my tartiflete. time to déglacer with white wine and corkscrew breaks. French passport begins to glow. Eyes become blue, white and red. Frenchness intensifies.


In Reply to @niedbalski @niedbalski No, sold all my stuff to move and could not yet rebuild (not sure how to pick equivalents for some stuff on this side)


Si no mejora el clima voy a tener que hacer una tartiflette, menos mal que hay papas y reblochon de emergencia en la heladera.


RT @shinax: ¡Estamos buscando dev para nuestro equipo! Tenemos satélites, trabajo remoto (desde pre-pandemia), y gente super copada. https:…


In the last month I went from: having a large desk with Speakers+Monitor+Camera+Mic for realistic calls, an ergonomic chair and a comfortable setting, to just a laptop in a temp children desk and now my mouse rubber coating is suddenly disintegrating, this impacts my mood a lot.