RT @hhm: Excelente artículo: Dizzying but invisible depth
In Reply to @luciotorre @luciotorre Come to the Banana Republic of Córdoba, the situation is the exact oposite.
RT @optilude: The guy who built the amazing #Plone IDE ( needs your help to get to the Plone Conference: http://t.c …
Ok, since I can not give direct links to @BrentSpiner page sections here goes a link to his very cool web series enjoy
ouch @BrentSpiner site is pure flash, too bad :( I was actually wanting to pass some links to people
In Reply to @NathanFillion @NathanFillion No he is not :( I rushed to click the name and it did not exist.
Noooooooooooooo, Dennis noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, llevate a Steve de vuelta y devolvenos a Dennis