In Reply to @juliaferraioli @juliaferraioli I thinking you accidentally described the most common backup policy in the industry
RT @gise_rossi: I wanted to post again in case someone didn’t see it before: there are many openings at pollen 2 of which are on my team!!…
El diario reporta que un grupo de gauchos detuvo un malon… tuve que seguir leyendo a ver si José Hernández no se postulaba para las próximas elecciones

Well turns out they think sending links for “x invites you to their team” for my project is too risky so denied… guess is not the safe proposition as a service since you need to implement it without knowing if you are wasting time. @SendGrid it is i guess.
After a few hours learning how to integrate AWS SES (email sending) it is a bit of an anticlimax to learn they need to authorize you to send it to production.
Today i tasted a lychee for the first time in my life. They taste good but look slightly like old man balls :p

Adivinen quien descubrió que el polvo de hornear que viene usando tiene trigo? (Lo saque de una sección sin gluten del super por eso no lei 🤦). En Francia todo tiene gluten, trazas de gluten o es algún menjunje artificial con dextrosa. Ni keto ni celiaco me dejan ser.
I have not used nor developed @plone regularly in a decade or more and have not touched one in at least 5 years. I still confuse @djangoproject /admin URL and instead go to /manage (the Plone one). That, is a lasting impression.