No hay nada en el cine, ningún espectáculo decente para ir a ver, tengo calor y me pican los mosquitos. Que bajón che.
In Reply to @ @PsychoAlbina este,_2268.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090225005414&path-prefix=en o este ?
No puedo creer que haya niveles de actuación tan malos como los de mega shark vs. Giant Octopus
In Reply to @NateTheFinch @NateTheFinch I wish, but no, its a key in a mongo db that is not set in a very explicit way.
In Reply to @NateTheFinch @NateTheFinch Depends, to the guy fixing the circuit it sucks, if you live in a deserted island and suddenly got light must be nice.
This code is wired so strangely that it feels like giving power to a circuit here and have a light turn on in an island.