I got an interview req with:
- 2 tentative dates in which the rec. wants to talk to me.
- Req for Srity inthe only tech I never used.
In Reply to @MissFillys @MissFillys @reydelhumo /me pasa cantando la cancion del race condition.
aca escuchandolo a @py_litox mentir a un telemarketer de una conocida empresa provedora de cortes de internet.
In Reply to @matty_jwilliams @matty_jwilliams well deadlines lately make me feel like the scene where he goes under the door just in time then catches the hat.
In Reply to @matty_jwilliams @matty_jwilliams wow, now I feel so uncool for using an a5 vertical spiral (although I think midoris should be used solely by Indiana jones)
ofrecerme servicios de recruiting y staffing (a mi mail corporativo) en un mail cuasi genérico… no entendiste nada de nada.
estaba pensando en un twitt con las palabras empomar, feinmann y renata, pero estamos en horario de proteccion al menor.