I really covet one of these new M2 Airs but Since covid i almost never leave home with a laptop and when I do I take the company one. My current personal laptop is a heavy gamer tombstone that lives most of the time near my dining table… I have lost my hacker cool
In Reply to @jdooley_clt @jdooley_clt @editingemily Mostly conferences? For infrastructure software the way to stay relevant after certain level is to mingle with the right crowd which is usually in US confs. This said i am benefited by my demographic in more than one way.
In Reply to @rosbergmartin @rosbergmartin En defensa de las normas poco felices sobre fotografía, es muy difícil apreciar un museo con alta densidad de gente sacándose selfies.
Tengan amigos que los llaman para hablar al pedo y que tienen un sexto sentido para llamar en el momento correcto.
In Reply to @rosbergmartin @rosbergmartin Si me la pasas hago el sacrificio y camino los 100m que me deparan de la fromagerie :p
RT @fisadev: Buenas! Tengo en venta tres cosas interesantes para simuladores de vuelo:
Cosas 1 y 2: Stick y throttle Saitek X56, con basta…