In Reply to @KamradLegasov @ESiravegna en gral no tengo dramas con el queso o el helado “espesado” artificialmente, anoche no me di cuenta y comi helado bueno.
In Reply to @KamradLegasov @ESiravegna that is also a possibility, wanted to avoid the laptop at all to be able to do it while traveling without it.
In Reply to @KamradLegasov @ESiravegna my camera lacks direct connectivity other than USB sadly I could try a tablet sd card reader though.
In Reply to @KamradLegasov @ESiravegna I am trying to figure out how to upload my cam’s pics into the tablet but it’s definitely an option.
In Reply to @perrito666 @perrito666 current solution is to avoid computer as much as possible on weekends.
I definitely should get a laptop separate from my work one so I can do stuff like pic editing without fear of being sucked by work.
RT @danluu: Another leap second, another slew of outages. Handling time correctly is hard!

RT @dog_rates: I hope your 2017 is filled with happiness and dogs… primarily dogs, which will lead to happiness