In Reply to @curiouslychase @chaseadamsio messages reach people better with some dramatic punch in them :)
In Reply to @curiouslychase @chaseadamsio I think it’s people that are undeniably IT stars saying they would not pass some recruiting tests, sounds like a statement.
RT @mholt6: Hi, I’m Matt. I write code slowly and talk to myself in the process. My programs work well even though there are more optimal a…
In Reply to @mdottavio @mdottavio @becube rápido anda ahí atrás y pedí que te de los platos de @mdottavio :p
In Reply to @MajoMallmann @majomalnis @becube si no te jode la atención chota, el sobreprecio, la vajilla rota y el solo efectivo, cundeamor.
RT @golangnews: Gophers, please tag your releases #versioning #golang