Does anyone have an aws node in brazil that I can mtr to? I want to know what is my distance and don’t want to start a node just for that
Friend might visit, 1st things come to mind - Various nice dishes to prepare - What is touristy nearby - I need to finish the guest room
In Reply to @NateTheFinch @NateTheFinch @united let me guess, rooted device? if so many apps wont play for fear of you recording the movies, use the web version
In Reply to @NateTheFinch @NateTheFinch @Svetlana3k seems like your previous employer did not pick flight routes as cheap as it chose for me :p
In Reply to @NateTheFinch @NateTheFinch Read a book, sleep, code, annoy your seat companion with anecdotes (they dont have these “use your device” systems?)
In Reply to @MajoMallmann @majomalnis @Endohime @aseba Me niego a pagar toda esa plata por zapatillas