In Reply to @GonKairuz @atilael1 @jesspagura No sean ridículos, durante el desayuno no se habla, a lo sumo se gruñe, uno debe usar ese momento para sobreponerse al trauma de tener que levantarse y prepararse para el de ir a trabajar.
RT @CommitStrip: For the sake of updating

RT @ISOC_LAC: @nicoechaniz de @AlterMundiNet, el caso más exitoso de redes comunitarias en Sudamérica, compartiendo su experiencia en #WTDC…
RT @juliaferraioli: @goinggodotnet It’s more than about personal protection though – those who can get the flu shot (and do) help protect…
RT @mweagle: We are. 🎉🔒☁️
Help protect your software with security tools that work with you.…
In Reply to @carolynvs @carolynvs Just music with lyrics, unless lyrics are in a different language than the text I am writing I accidentally put part of the song on the post
RT @manishguptaTD: Today we launched ShiftLeft ( Awesome team building a great product, going after the next big s…
RT @benkepes: Hot off the press! ShiftLeft unleashes a volley of buzzwords to launch its security platform