RT @ScyKness: El WiFi no da cáncer. Las vacunas no causan autismo. La homeopatía es un timo. El microondas no convierte los alimentos en ca…
When news resemble too much the plot of a resident evil game
I have been a big fan of jrpgs for years but since I played the original suikoden saga all the others seem meh in both story and graphics and therefore I can no longer stay interested long time.
In Reply to @NateTheFinch @NateTheFinch Possibly too but (docker is there too) but the computer does not lag accordingly.
In Reply to @NateTheFinch @NateTheFinch yup, me too, doesn’t seem to be taxing the computer though, just slow.
In Reply to @nwolovick @nwolovick @fisadev @yoluismario @danluu “Señor, me da todo esto de Academia?” :p
Amazon recruiters when amazon comes to my country and organizes “invite only” events….

In Reply to @nwolovick @nwolovick @fisadev @yoluismario @danluu Si te cebo unos mates y te regalo una pastafrola me los explicas en persona en vez?