In Reply to @marcosalcazar @marcosalcazar A mi me sorprende que tengo que prender servicios, que soy el Sysadmin de la afip?
RT @rakyll: Good engineering is less about finding the “perfect” solution and more about understanding the tradeoffs and being able to expl…
RT @ShiftLeftInc: Checkout @realDavyHua’s pragmatic approach to implementing #DevOps for cloud native applications
Interesting, when the power goes off my dock usb ports stop working… less than ideal since my keyboard is plugged there.
In Reply to @NateTheFinch @NateTheFinch @webRat @peterbourgon @dgryski @Kris__Nova well since you shave your head you sort of look like Gru :p
In Reply to @ashleymcnamara @ashleymcnamara Are you ready for proper kid shaming with crying and pictures?