Va queriendo, algún día se parecerá al libro jajajja ya me regalaron otro para seguir cuando termine este :)

Hoy cambié mi billetera por un modelo para moneda y documentación local. Momento soltar si los hay
Hey @Celestron you might want to go through your gps modules and re-crimp the wires going from the main board to the GPS, i just fixed mine to avoid the hassle of RMA and have read a few more cases. Cables are not fully driven through the contact
Last night i reviewed code for someone (not work related, just a friend) and I completely ignored an obvious error (which I was looking for) clearly i might be in need of rest.
RT @VladAIonescu: I have a friend looking for a DevOps role. Recommended highly - rare catch! Based in the Bay Area. DM me for details.
I reckon @iRobot needs to work a bit on its homing. This is roomba needing to recharge and giving up because… dunno, just like too much effort to reach the thing