RT @ramyanexus: Latest update to #golang plugin for @code has the work of 10 different contributors from the community, more if u count the…
Thinking in this to save some memory
RT @runasand: The @nytimes is looking for an application security analyst who can collaborate with engineers on the design and architecture…
No me decido si es mas choreo la verificación o el grabado del auto, bah, la verificación por lo menos no te agrega posibles puntos de óxido en el auto.
In Reply to @GonKairuz @GonKairuz Street Fighter o Mortal Kombat (dependiendo de que tenga a mano)
Putting to good use what is perhaps one of the only standard ports in a Mac :p

Veo que el sistema educativo se encarga de empeorar, es casi una cuestión de auto superación.
In Reply to @ashleymcnamara @ashleymcnamara I would have thought it was “delete my browser history”