The sandman in comixology and hardcover cost almost the same (20 bucks diff) almost makes it worthy to just go get the paper version.
la vecina hizo un chiste en la carniceria sobre ser “muy lunes” para un asado, como soy un tipo civilizado no le dije que cuando no tenes 5 crios todos los dias son Viernes. (si, horario laboral flexible también ayuda)
In Reply to @EstebanCervi @EstebanCervi @majomalnis los cafes son hermosos, pero queman el café, es un tema local, siempre queman el café.
RT @ShiftLeftInc: Programmers certainly have a lot on their plates and while security has been a burning issue in recent times, it hasn’t b…
RT @conikeec: Do not meme to shame Twitter’s password leak incident
RT @VladAIonescu: Do not meme to shame Twitter’s password leak incident #devsecops #security #devops…
In Reply to @PreetamJinka @PreetamJinka @prathikgadde I quickly degenerate into unhealthy food, for my wedding I had the same lunch for months, a very thin steak pan cooked, one tomato and ~lettuce leaves. Great way to loose weight but not really healthy on the long run :p