In Reply to @corylanou @corylanou I try to use “people” usually works for my in both english and spanish.
Fresh out of the press, Creating a Telegram bot with GoSparta and AWS Lambda (with a very special collaboration by @mweagle )
In Reply to @NateTheFinch @NateTheFinch I do the same for audio jack (I believe we have similar laptops) and it never happened to me (I plug/unplug a bit more) re usb I always use the same 2 for power and data but I do not unplug them more than a couple of times a week, in any case, warranty perishes so hurry.
In Reply to @MajoMallmann @majomalnis @GonKairuz @Lunopolis Seguro que su comida preferida son los pebetes.
I have a very cool blogpost in the backlog and need to wait the whole work day to start with it… so annoying
In Reply to @perrito666 @NateTheFinch Also, you are the unluckiest laptop owner i have known, ever