That is bullshit, I am watching the server logs, you never made a query.

In Reply to @UkiahSmith @UkiahSmith This and google popping the “get chrome” thing in every single page is really annoying
RT @pollmeier: I always knew we have an amazing team, and now there’s proof. Our static code analysis (e.g. for finding vulnerabilities, da…
RT @ShiftLeftInc: After shattering the OWASP Benchmark record for SAST vendors, we’re launching a code analysis product. Our 75% score is n…
RT @fabsx00: Beating the OWASP benchmark by extracting high level information flows from code: Many thanks to @0x4D…
In Reply to @gise_rossi @gise_rossi @aseba @mcwelschen Jaja me imagine, lo dije a modo de broma por el contaste de “ir a europa” vs “quedarse en europa” (si nos ponemos estrictos el brexit no afecta eso pero me mataba el chiste)
RT @meliceci: Entrevisté a @Avaltenea, a quien conocí en la primera juntada de @lasdesistemas 💜
In Reply to @gise_rossi @gise_rossi @aseba @mcwelschen “Ir a algun lugar de Europa” ese brexit ya se siente :p
In Reply to @MajoMallmann @majomalnis @m4rgin4l @pancho_jay Yo tambien te mando foto de perrito, no creo que te sirva pero sale igual