The only thing that stops me from re reading all of harry potter is that i am extremely annoyed by the rules of quidditch.
In Reply to @rosbergmartin @rosbergmartin Lo que no entiendo es por que te dieron el iPad en una caja de lavarropas
I just had a conversation with someone a bit younger than I that had to google wardriving and asked “why would you do that?” Wifi has really become a ubiquitous thing.
In Reply to @rosbergmartin @rosbergmartin @majomalnis Acabo de leer un poco sobre la misma, no se me ocurrió que hubiese por estas latitudes, adiviná si me vuelvo con una caja.
In Reply to @rosbergmartin @rosbergmartin Si me lo cambias por sidra artesanal o espumante te lo acepto :p