In Reply to @perrito666 @rosbergmartin Podes hacerle conocer a los punkitos tambien
In Reply to @rosbergmartin @rosbergmartin De ultima mandale una nota llena de adjetivos en respuesta.
In Reply to @rosbergmartin @rosbergmartin Fijaque que esta wrong, que no es un sustantivo, debe ser eso.
RT @alejandrocsome: Si tus hij@s te preguntan “Papi, Mami: ¿De donde vienen los inodoros?”
No tengas miedo, es normal. Totalmente normal y…
Today i starter researching viability for a feature… i just finished the feature instead, talk about PoC gone out of hand.
With almost 5 years of story and about 1k pages Minna delivers one of the most intriguing, engaging and beautifully stories I have ever read, it’s a great time to catch up before the second adventure begins and perhaps support her by buying the book?