Regaining some control over my digital life, I now host a permanent static backup of my mastodon posts soon ill do the same for my twitter archive. Special thanks to for his mastodon archiver
I actually tried to add support for twitter to chat2world ( today, then I tried to setup an app in their dev portal… yeah, no, that is not going to happen, I am not setting a whole server for their auth, I just want to sh*tpost from my chat.
Today was a long day, I ended up working until 1AM but in exchange I was able to stop in the morning and ride my bike and get this lovely view of the river [0] and later go fetch my local producer vegetables and have a stroll under this amazing sky [1] so totally worth it.

RT @pliutau: Did you know that you can inspect any Go binary and find the Go version it was built with? “go version -m
In Reply to @mandel_macaque @mandel_macaque Did you try arguing that this is an NP issue and therefore not even worth trying to solve it? I am sure that will work. (We fixed this by choosing “no tables”, there were some that you could pick at will but most food was standing-compatible.
In Reply to @andrespiazza @andrespiazza @MuniCba Capaz ayudaria que el mail de la muni no parezca un scam ml hecho… y el sitio de ITV también, que de paso podria tener un subdominio de