A mashup of things



In Reply to @fatih @fatih I am glad you sorted it out (despite the 5hs). It is indeed better when you can come back on you own means.


Esta un poco lleno de gente Bordeaux


In Reply to @perrito666 Día 4, fondo beige con círculos de colores


In Reply to @perrito666 @tin_nqn_ Como referencia local, cuesta apenas mas (€0.5-€1.5) que un vino local de similares características (en esta región se hace algo muy parecido al Malbec)


In Reply to @tin_nqn_ @tin_nqn_ €8.5, te dejo que elijas el cambio local que te parezca mas realista


I usually work by setting myself daily achievable goals (i do a lot of things that can’t be estimated in larger frames), last Friday i did not complete what i was doing and i know ill be thinking about it all weekend. Btw, if you work in @code dev team for MS, I have questions.


In Reply to @anaradoblep @anaradoblep Una de las cosas que me gustan (aparte de que son medias bien calientes que me hacían falta) es que: si me vendieras un kit con todas esas medias igual las compraría, por que me encantan.


In Reply to @fatih @fatih Does your insurance cover towing your car (and you) to the nearest town/your garage? I have had mine in Argentina offer me that when all other options were off


In Reply to @ @dazfuller @jamestait0 This is very interesting and puzzling. Every time i went to a winery i saw the process being rather mechanical. I now understand why so many wines now clarify they are unfiltered. I thin ill pay more attention to it (although i am not vegan)